ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Association of neutrophil-to-l... 16
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CALLY index, but not HALP scor... 12
Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 10
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Dr. Adrian Man

  Articles published by Radu,Ilinca
  1 Implementing essential requirements of the ISO 17043:2023 for a proficiency testing provider as a step towards accreditation achievement
    Authors: Radu Ilinca, Dan Adrian Luțescu, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Laura Iosif, Andreea Wagner, Ana Maria Cristina Țâncu
  2 A comprehensive review of Proficiency Testing / Interlaboratory Comparisons Policies of the EA-MLA signatories applicable to medical laboratories
    Authors: Radu Ilinca, Dan Adrian Luțescu, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Iulian Gherlan, Rucsandra-Elena Dănciulescu-Miulescu, Ana Maria Cristina Țâncu
  3 Cybersecurity requirement of ISO 15189 - a simplified protocol for Laboratories
    Authors: Radu Ilinca, Dan Adrian Luțescu, Ionuț Adrian Chiriac, Smaranda Hristodorescu-Grigore, Iulia - Ioana Stănescu - Spînu, Ionela Ganea, Iuliana Gherlan, Rucsandra - Elena Dănciulescu - Miulescu
  4 Understanding the key differences between ISO 15189:2022 and ISO 15189:2012 for an improved medical laboratory quality of service
    Authors: Radu Ilinca, Ionuț A. Chiriac, Dan A. Luțescu, Ionela Ganea, Smaranda Hristodorescu-Grigore, Rucsandra-Elena Dănciulescu-Miulescu
  5 Making the most out of proficiency testing participation for a medical laboratory from the standardization point of view
    Authors: Radu Ilinca, Ionela Ganea