Scientific misconduct / Corrections /Retraction Policy
The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Scientific fraud are rare events; however, they have a very serious
impact on the integrity of the scientific community. Scientific
misconduct is defined by the Office of Research Integrity as
“fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that
seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the
academic community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research”.
In cases where there is a suspicion or allegation of scientific
misconduct or fraudulent research in manuscripts submitted or
published, the Editors reserve the right to impose sanctions on the
authors, such as: immediate rejection of the manuscript, banning
author(s) from submitting manuscripts to the journal for a certain
period of time, retracting the manuscript, bringing the concerns to the
authors’ sponsoring or funding institution or other appropriate
authority for investigation
If the Editorial Board uncovers possible evidence of such problems it
will first contact the corresponding author in complete confidence, to
allow adequate clarification of the situation. If the results of such
interactions are not satisfactory, the Board will contact the
appropriate official(s) in the institution(s) from which the manuscript
originated. It is then left to the institution(s) in question to pursue
the matter appropriately. Depending on the circumstances, the Romanian
Journal of Laboratory Medicine may also opt to publish errata,
corrigenda, or retractions.
Serious errors in a published manuscript and infringements of
professional ethical codes will result in an article being retracted.
This will occur where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes
others’ legal rights, or where the article is, or there is good reason
to expect it will be, the subject of a court order, or where the
article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk. In any of
these cases all coauthors will be informed about a retraction. A
Retraction Note detailing the reason for retraction will be linked to
the original article.