ISSN online: 2284-5623
ISSN-L: 1841-6624
Rejection rate (2020): 75%
Journal Metrics
Impact Factor 0.5 Five Year Impact Factor 0.5 JCI 0.12
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Concept, Design & ProgrammingDr. Adrian Man
The payment will be processed by gateway.
For payment by card, you will need to fill out a form with your card information on the secured payment processor page. - Visa / MasterCard / MasterCard (Visa / Visa Electron and MasterCard / Maestro) credit / debit card payments are performed through the "3-D Secure" system developed by organizations providing to online transactions the same level of security as those at the ATM or in the physical environment, at the merchant. - "3-D Secure" assures that no information related to your card is transferred or stored at any time on the servers of the store or the payment processor's servers, these data being directly transmitted into Visa and MasterCard. Important to know - There are no charges for bank card payments! The currency exchange EUR-RON will be automatically made at the BNR exchange rate.
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