ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

Journal Metrics

Impact Factor 0.5
Five Year Impact Factor 0.5
JCI 0.12

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Top 10 downloaded articles
- December 2024 -
Biomarkers of acute kidney inj... 9
A comprehensive review of glyc... 8
Recomandările naționale ale ... 8
Towards appropriate training f... 8
Investigation of cytokine chan... 8
Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 6
Validation of GOD / PAP method... 5
Expressions of vascular endoth... 5
Setting up an own laboratory p... 3
The frequency of EGFR gene mut... 3

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man




  • Please use the new template file for preparing the manuscript for submisson.


  • Redacția RRML caută colaboratori in echipa redacționala, pentru poziția de editor de specialitate.
  • Abilităţi şi exprienţă necesare pentru a face parte din comitetul redacţional:
    • a. Absolvent de facultate, cel puţin doctorand
    • b. Cunoaşterea fluxului procesului editorial
    • c. Insuşirea modului de funcţionare a platformei editoriale utilizate
    • d. Abilităţi în folosirea computerului (cel puţin Word, Excel şi PowerPoint)
    • e. Cunoaşterea limbii engleze, minim nivel B1
    • f. Persoanele care au primit sancţiuni de orice natură, acordate de Comisii profesionale sau de etică, nu pot deveni membre ale comitetului de redacţie al RRML
  • Scrisoarea de intenție (care trebuie sa facă referire la punctele de mai sus) se va trimite pe adresa:


  • The Romanian Journal of Laboratory Medicine uses Editorial System as new manuscript submission and processing platform. Due to technical problems with the previous submission platform, we kindly ask all authors who previously submitted articles for evaluation to resubmit them on the new platform: We are sorry for the inconveniences this may have caused and we hope for a fruitful collaboration.


  • Article processing fees, publication fees and subscriptions can be now payed online on RRML website.


  • The website of the Romanian Association of Laboratory Medicine (Asociația Română de Medicină de Laborator - AMLR) has been moved here:


  • Starting 1st of May 2017, the processing fee will be 50 EUR (equivalent in RON) and the publication fee in case of accepted article will be 150 EUR (equivalent in RON). Details here.


  • Starting with the next issue of RJLabMed, the Romanian title, abstract and keywords will not be required anymore. All information will be published exclusevly in English.