RRML - The role of nitro oxidative factors in metabolic dysfunctions: A link between severe obesity and weight-loss treatment – a narrative review

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 32(2)/2024 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0012


The role of nitro oxidative factors in metabolic dysfunctions: A link between severe obesity and weight-loss treatment – a narrative review

Razvan Marius Ion, Melania Sibianu, Radu Neagoe, Daniela Sala, Felicia Beresescu, Valentin Daniealopol, Ruxandra Daniealopol, Mircea Muresan

Correspondence should be addressed to: Melania Sibianu


Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is linked to oxidative stress and intracellular redox imbalance, both triggered by chronic inflammatory conditions. The aim of our research was to figure out if bariatric surgery changes the production of free radicals in obese people. In addition, the relationship between metabolic syndrome(MS) and associated conditions is represented by oxidative stress (OS) and intracellular redox imbalance, both of which are induced by the chronic inflammatory conditions that define MS. Methods: The literature search was conducted on PubMed, Cochrane Library, and ScienceDirect, using terms related to severe obesity, nitro-oxidative factors, pro-inflammatory status and reactive oxygen species. Six studies were included. We included papers published till 2022, with a concentration on more recent publications (January 2019 to December 2022). Results: Studies that analyzed the status of the patient after bariatric surgery at 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months were included in the review, regarding inflammation: CRP levels,IL-6, and regarding oxidative stress: MPO serum activity, blood plasma proteins: dityrosine, kynurenine, glycophore, amyloid and Amadori products, had been found strongly statistically significant decreased at each periodic analyze, the same thing applied to regulatory hormones such as leptin, and due to the fact that these patients have the possibility to keep their weight stable for a longer period, all these factors kept their levels low even 4 years after the intervention. Conclusion: Bariatric surgery is an efficient and quick solution in increasing the quality of life.

Keywords: bariatric surgery, oxidative stress, inflammation biomarkers, severe obesity

Received: 12.11.2023
Accepted: 10.3.2024
Published: 18.3.2024

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How to cite
Ion RM, Sibianu M, Neagoe R, Sala D, Beresescu F, Daniealopol V, et al. The role of nitro oxidative factors in metabolic dysfunctions: A link between severe obesity and weight-loss treatment – a narrative review. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2024;32(2):135-42. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0012