RRML - Understanding the key differences between ISO 15189:2022 and ISO 15189:2012 for an improved medical laboratory quality of service

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Nr. 31(2)/2023 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2023-0011


Understanding the key differences between ISO 15189:2022 and ISO 15189:2012 for an improved medical laboratory quality of service

Radu Ilinca, Ionuț A. Chiriac, Dan A. Luțescu, Ionela Ganea, Smaranda Hristodorescu-Grigore, Rucsandra-Elena Dănciulescu-Miulescu

Correspondence should be addressed to: Radu Ilinca

Received: 14.3.2023
Accepted: 28.3.2023
Published: 2.4.2023

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How to cite
Ilinca R, Chiriac IA, Luțescu DA, Ganea I, Hristodorescu-Grigore S, Dănciulescu-Miulescu RE. Understanding the key differences between ISO 15189:2022 and ISO 15189:2012 for an improved medical laboratory quality of service . Rev Romana Med Lab. 2023;31(2):77-81. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2023-0011