ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Association of neutrophil-to-l... 15
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CALLY index, but not HALP scor... 9
Correlations of vascular cogni... 8
Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 7
A diagnostic classifier for os... 7
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Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 2(June)/2011

  1. Coagulation factor XIII, impaired fibrinolysis and cardiovascular disease
    Mircea Cucuianu, Ioana Brudaşcă
  2. Clinical, laboratory and molecular features in essential thrombocythemia
    Laura G. Urian, Adrian P. Trifa, Ljubomir Petrov, Mariana Paţiu
  3. Cytogenetic findings and their prognostic impact in myelodysplastic syndrome patients
    Claudia Bănescu, István Benedek, Carmen Duicu, Smaranda Demian, Septimiu Voidăzan
  4. Clinical and cytogenetic correlation in primary and secondary amenorrhea: retrospective study on 531 patients
    Lăcramioara Butnariu, Mircea Covic, Iuliu Ivanov, Cornel Bujoran, Mihaela Gramescu, Eusebiu Vlad Gorduza
  5. Fetal aneuploidy diagnosis through rapid fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on uncultured amniocytes
    Dragoş Nemescu, Violeta Martiniuc, Eusebiu Vlad Gorduza, Mircea Onofriescu
  6. The relationship between matrix GLA protein (MGP) and carotid stenosis
    Dana Pop, Adela Sitar-Taut, Elena Gligor, Gyorgy Bodizs, Mirela Cebanu, Smaranda Buduru, Dumitru Zdrenghea
  7. Improvement of total antioxidant status, a possible bioeffect of the ultrasound therapy - a pilot study
    Rodica Ungur, Maria Dronca, Elena C. Crăciun, Răzvan L. Rusu, Mădălina Văleanu, Ioan Onac, Ileana M. Borda, Laszlo Irsay
  8. The flow cytometric labeling pattern in HLA-B27 detection may suggest cross reactivities
    Petru Cianga, Mihaela Zlei, Elena Rezus, Corina Cianga
  9. Coeliac disease and variable immunodeficiency. Case report
    Samaşca Gabriel, Paraschiva Cherecheş-Panţa, Otilia Fufezan, Dorin Farcău, Dan Gheban, Victor Cristea
  10. Angiomatous hamartoma of the breast: a new entity developing in pediatric patients
    Maria Daniela Podeanu, Cristina Marian, Constantin Copotoiu, Klara Brânzaniuc, Simona Stolnicu