ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 1(March)/2006

  1. Phenotypic and genotypic methods in diagnosis of Acinetobacter infections
    Gabriel Ionescu, Sofia Constantiniu
  2. Nosocomial infections caused by two strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae with different colonial morphotypes and resistance phenotypes isolated from the same sample
    Ancuţa Tutelcă, Monica Licker, Liliana Dan, Cristina Orb, Roxana Moldovan
  3. Resistance phenotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated in an Intensive Care Unit
    Elena Cristina Orb , Liliana Dan, Monica Licker, Ancuţa Tutelcă, Elena Kosa, Roxana Moldovan
  4. Bacterial pneumonia – frequency of occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial isolates
    Felicia Toma, Doina Bilca, Delia Pârvu, Teodora Cighir, Monica Tarcea
  5. General Principles of Haematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation. The Role of the Clinical Laboratory in High Quality Grafts Harvesting
    Andreea Delia Moicean, Adriana Mariana Dumitrescu, Tatiana Puşcariu, Georgeta Niţu, Dana Ostroveanu, Mihaela Camelia Ghiţă, Virginia Nicoleta Mirea, Dan Nicolae Coliţă
  6. Hodgkin’s lymphoma histological types – influences or non-influences in patients survival rate
    Corina Flangea, Sorin Gîju, Elena Potencz, Rodica Mihăescu, Andrei Anghel
  7. Short term effects of atorvastatin on leucocytes integrin expression in unstable angina
    Minodora Dobreanu, D. Dobreanu, Catrinel Gălăţeanu, Andrea Fodor, Anca Bacârea
  8. Serological and somatometrical parameters to a Târgu Mureş obese children group
    Monica Tarcea, Simona Drăgoi, Klara Jeszensky, Iulia Dunca, Felicia Toma
  9. The use of parallel microscopic techniques in the analisysis of the urinary sediment
    Sorin Gîju
  10. Capillary electrophoresis
    Ileana Funduc