ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 21
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A comparative study of legisla... 15
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Implementing essential require... 12
Agreement between different eG... 12
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Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 2(June)/2009

  1. New high-throughput liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometry assay for therapeutic drug monitoring of carvedilol in children with congestive heart failure
    Angela Butnariu, Daniela-Saveta Popa, Laurian Vlase, Mariana Andreica, Dana Muntean, Sorin Leucuţa
  2. Chimerism analysis – critical diagnostic tool for the outcome assessment of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    Cristian Jinca, Valentin Ordodi, Smaranda Arghirescu, Jijo John, Anca Isac, Luca Dehelean, Margit Şerban
  3. The role of cytokines, cytogenetic factors and oncogenes in the prognosis of multiple myeloma
    Gabriel Dragoş I. Găman, Amelia Maria V. Găman
  4. Development of the acid elution method (Kleihauer test) in the assessment of fetomaternal hemorrhage
    Dana Paula Florea, Vladimir Bacârea
  5. Hereditary C1-inhibitor esterase deficiency: a rather well defined entity
    Dumitru Moldovan, Eniko Mihaly, Florin-Dan Popescu, Géza–Attila Szöllösi, Minodora Dobreanu
  6. Association between oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration and atherosclerosis
    Germaine Savoiu, Carmen Cristescu, Corina Serban, Cristina Dehelean, Simona Dragan, Oana Duicu, Lavinia Noveanu, Claudia Borza
  7. Diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutive particularities of Lyme disease
    Brînduşa Ţilea, Carmen Chiriac, Ion Ţilea, Rodica Urcan, Graţiela Tripon, Mihai Gliga
  8. New diagnostic perspectives related to Helicobacter pylori infection in children
    Oana Cristina Marginean, Simona Stolnicu