Development of the acid elution method (Kleihauer test) in the assessment of fetomaternal hemorrhage
Dana Paula Florea, Vladimir Bacârea
Abstract: Fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH) is the physiopathological mechanism involved in the hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). Its assessment is necessary in order to adjust the dose of anti-D immunoglobulin administered to Rh-negative pregnant women with incompatible pregnancy. Since no assessment test is currently employed in Romania, we propose the acid elution test. Material and method. The paper presents the stages involved in this method’s implementation. After establishing the method and the research batches, the test was performed on samples from healthy adults and Rh D positive newborns. An ANOVA variance test was subsequently performed. Results. The percent of fetal erythrocytes in negative controls allows the use of this sample in order to apply the proposed method. The statistically insignificant difference in variance between the samples in the positive control batch shows variance equivalence between the numbers of detected fetal erythrocytes. Conclusion. The analyzed batches allow initiating the procedures in order to apply the proposed method and assessing its parameters (sensitivity, specificity).
Keywords: hemolytic disease of the newborn,fetomaternal hemorrhage,acid elution,F hemoglobin