Understanding the key differences between ISO 15189:2022 and ISO 15189:2012 for an improved medical laboratory quality of service
Radu Ilinca, Ionuț A. Chiriac, Dan A. Luțescu, Ionela Ganea, Smaranda Hristodorescu-Grigore, Rucsandra-Elena Dănciulescu-Miulescu
Retraction of article: Correlation of Serum Creatine Kinase, Creatine KinaseMB, and Troponin I with Cardiac Pathology in EndStage Renal Disease Patients
S. Gîju, C. Flangea, S. Ursoniu, I. Crăciun, V. Dumitrascu, D. Vlad, V. Ostafe, A. Chiriac
Correlation of Serum Creatine Kinase, Creatine Kinase-MB, and Troponin I with Cardiac Pathology in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
S. Gîju, C. Flangea, S. Ursoniu, I. Crăciun, V. Dumitraşcu, D. Vlad, V. Ostafe, A. Chiriac