RRML - Implementing essential requirements of the ISO 17043:2023 for a proficiency testing provider as a step towards accreditation achievement

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Nr. 32(3)/2024 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0023


Implementing essential requirements of the ISO 17043:2023 for a proficiency testing provider as a step towards accreditation achievement

Radu Ilinca, Dan Adrian Luțescu, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Laura Iosif, Andreea Wagner, Ana Maria Cristina Țâncu

Correspondence should be addressed to: Radu Ilinca


Successful participation in Proficiency Testing/Interlaboratory Comparison (PT/ILC) schemes is a method to ensure validity of results for any laboratory. It is also a component of a complex of means for demonstrating technical competence of a laboratory as an organization. The new accreditation standard ISO 17043 for PT providers together with the newly updated ILAC Policy of PT participation introduce a different perspective on the activity of PT provider in regard to quality assurance. Technical and management requirements from the ISO 17043:2023 that are essential for a competent activity of PT/provider are identified with a rationale for their increased importance. This importance is related both to the practical impact on the PT/ILC providers’ customers (laboratories) activity and laboratory benefits of participation in PT/ILS schemes besides the traditional qualitative and quantitative interpretation of their participation. Identified requirements are accompanied by a practical and explained potential implementation strategy which is aligned with the ILAC Policy on PT/ILC participation. Successful implementation of the essential requirements of the ISO 17043:2023 is a necessary step for any PT/ILC provider that seeks credibility on the proficiency testing market. Such implementation may also be an important step towards full implementation of the ISO 17043:2023 and achieving accreditation thus benefiting from full confidence in the activities of the provider.

Keywords: accreditation, interlaboratory comparisons, ISO 17043, medical laboratory, proficiency testing

Received: 27.6.2024
Accepted: 8.7.2024
Published: 15.7.2024

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How to cite
Ilinca R, Luțescu DA, Sfeatcu RI, Iosif L, Wagner A, Țâncu AMC. Implementing essential requirements of the ISO 17043:2023 for a proficiency testing provider as a step towards accreditation achievement. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2024;32(3):213-7. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0023