RRML - Cytogenetic analysis in acute myeloid leukemia in Tîrgu Mureş

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 13(4)/2008

Cytogenetic analysis in acute myeloid leukemia in Tîrgu Mureş

Claudia Bănescu, Ionela Paşcanu, Katalin Csép, István Benedek, Erzsebét Benedek, Carmen Duicu


Acquired clonal chromosome aberrations can be observed after metaphase banding analyses in 50–60% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The cytogenetic results at diagnosis provide the most important parameter for determining prognosis so far. Numerous recurrent karyotype abnormalities have been described in AML. Our aim is to evaluate the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in patients with acute myeloid leukemia admitted in the Hematology Clinic in Tîrgu Mureş and to compare our results with those reported elsewhere. We received for chromosomal analysis 28 samples of AML patients from the Hematology Clinic in Tîrgu Mureş between January 2006 and July 2008. We carried out bone marrow and/ or peripheral blood cell culture according to standard methods. The leukemic karyotypes of 24 patients were successfully analyzed. Abnormal clones were detected in 66% of cases AML. In our study, the most frequent abnormality was hyperdiploidy. These findings are similar to the results obtained in other studies using a similar approach.

Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia,cytogenetics,chromosomal abnormalities

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How to cite
Bănescu C, Paşcanu I, Csép K, Benedek I, Benedek E, Duicu C. Cytogenetic analysis in acute myeloid leukemia in Tîrgu Mureş. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;13(4):21-9