RRML - Adiponectin gene 45T>G polymorphism is not associated to plasma adiponectin in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes from Romania

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Nr. 20(1)/2012

Adiponectin gene 45T>G polymorphism is not associated to plasma adiponectin in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes from Romania

Ina M. Kacso, Adrian P. Trifa, Radu A. Popp, Cosmina I. Bondor, Marius F. Farcas, Alina R. Lenghel, Diana Moldovan, Crina Rusu, Cristina Nita, Ioan V. Pop, Caprioara M. Gherman, Nicolae D. Hancu


Background: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of 45T>G polymorphism of the ADIPOQ gene in a cohort of type 2 diabetes patients from Romania. The influence of the polymorphism on adiponectinemia and its relationship to presence of albuminuria were also assessed. Materials and methods: 115 type 2 diabetic patients were genotyped for the ADIPOQ 45T>G polymorphism. Medical history, laboratory evaluation and total plasma adiponectin were obtained. Results: TT genotype occurred in 101 (87.82%) patients, TG genotype in 12 (10.43%) and GG genotype in 2(1.73%) subjects. Genotypes for the 45T>G polymorphism were not significantly associated to plasma adiponectin. Patients were divided according to the presence of albuminuria in albuminuric patients (albumin/creatinine ratio> 30 mg/g creatinine) and normoalbuminuric (albumin/creatinine ratio< 30 mg/g creatinine). Albuminuric patients had significantly higher adiponectin levels (14.58±2.07 versus 6.91±0.84 μg/ml); however there was no difference in genotype distribution between normoalbuminuric and albuminuric patients (p=0.61). Logistic regression showed that systolic blood pressure p=0.044 (OR 1.04; CI 1.01/1.08), adiponectin p=0.03 (OR 1.07; CI 1.00/1.14) and age p=0.07 (OR 1.05; CI 0.99/1.12), but not genotype are predictors of albuminuria. Conclusion: The ADIPOQ 45T>G polymorphism did not influence plasma adiponectin levels in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes from Romania

Keywords: adiponectin,gene polymorphism,type 2 diabetes

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How to cite
Kacso IM, Trifa AP, Popp RA, Bondor CI, Farcas MF, Lenghel AR, et al. Adiponectin gene 45T>G polymorphism is not associated to plasma adiponectin in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes from Romania. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(1):73-9