Working protocol for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration greater than 36 g/dl
Rodica Păcurar, Ellen Klontz, Lisa Connors, Marianne Chichak
Abstract: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is the average concentration of hemoglobin in a given red cell volume. The automated analyzers calculate MCHC by using a direct measurement of hemogobin and a calculated value of packed red cells. With the exception of hereditary spherocytosis and some cases of homozygous sickle cell or hemoglobin C disease, MCHC values do not exceed 36 g/dl. Thereby MCHC gains an important role, not in diagnosis but in signalling preanalytic situations that could lead to false values of the red cells’ parameters. This article presents the working protocol used in Dynacare Kasper Laboratories, Edmonton, Canada, when an automated analyzer displays MCHC greater than 36 g/dl.
Keywords: agglutinins,hemolysis,hyperlipidemia,turbidity.