Research article
Effects of miR-99a on the migration and proliferation of glioma cells
Yifan Xu, Tianyu Lu, Wu Xu, Yuxiang Dai, Weibang Liang, Wei Jin
Abstract: Background: To evaluate the effects of miR-99a on the migration and proliferation of glioma cells. Materials and Methods: Glioma cell line LN229 with stable up-regulation of miR-99a was constructed by transfection of hsa-miR-99a mimics, and cells with stable miR-99a knock-down were established by transfection of hsa-miR-99a inhibitor. The proliferation capacities of two groups were detected by the MTT assay, and their migration capacities were detected by the scratch assay. Results: LN229 cells with stable up-regulation and knock-down of miR-99a were successfully constructed. Up-regulating miR-99a inhibited the proliferation and migration of glioma cells, but knocking down this gene promoted their proliferation and migration. Conclusion: MiR-99a significantly affected the proliferation and migration of glioma cells, as a potentially eligible target for glioma therapy.
Keywords: miR-99a, migration, proliferation, glioma
Received: 21.8.2017
Accepted: 10.1.2018
Published: 15.4.2018