RRML - A comprehensive review of Proficiency Testing / Interlaboratory Comparisons Policies of the EA-MLA signatories applicable to medical laboratories

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Nr. 32(2)/2024 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0014


A comprehensive review of Proficiency Testing / Interlaboratory Comparisons Policies of the EA-MLA signatories applicable to medical laboratories

Radu Ilinca, Dan Adrian Luțescu, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Iulian Gherlan, Rucsandra-Elena Dănciulescu-Miulescu, Ana Maria Cristina Țâncu

Correspondence should be addressed to: Radu Ilinca


Introduction: Proficiency Testing/Interlaboratory Comparisons play an important role that is widely accepted in demonstrating the validity of results of any laboratory and inspection body. To ensure a coherent approach in the field within an economy, accreditation bodies develop specific policies for laboratories and inspection bodies’ participation in proficiency testing/interlaboratory comparisons. Methods: 39 Proficiency Testing/Interlaboratory Comparisons policies of accreditation bodies were reviewed for key requirements: initial accreditation, participations of accreditation per accreditation cycle and acceptance criteria of PT/ILC providers. Results: Within the analyzed policies a wide range of approaches was identified especially for the number of participations and acceptance criteria set by different bodies Conclusions: Even though the analyzed policies belong to accreditation bodies which are signatories of the same regional agreement, there is no harmonized approach with respect to Proficiency Testing/Interlaboratory Comparisons usage in the accreditation process

Keywords: accreditation, interlaboratory comparisons, medical laboratory, proficiency testing, quality assurance

Received: 16.3.2024
Accepted: 25.3.2024
Published: 2.4.2024

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How to cite
Ilinca R, Luțescu DA, Sfeatcu RI, Gherlan I, Dănciulescu-Miulescu RE, Țâncu AMC. A comprehensive review of Proficiency Testing / Interlaboratory Comparisons Policies of the EA-MLA signatories applicable to medical laboratories. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2024;32(2):123-34. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0014