ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 21
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Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 4(December)/2014

  1. Suggestions and recommendations on statistical analysis and research methodology
    Septimiu Voidăzan, Cosmin Moldovan, Minodora Dobreanu
  2. Identification of exonic copy number variations in dystrophin gene using MLPA
    Cristina Rusu, Adriana Sireteanu, Lăcrămioara Butnariu, Monica Pânzaru, Elena Braha, Doina Mihăilă, Roxana Popescu
  3. Flow cytometry analysis of PPARα receptors in metabolic syndrome
    Elena Popa, Florin Zugun-Eloae, Mihaela Zlei, Daniela Jitaru, Oana Maria Pintilie, Adorata Elena Coman, Maria Traian, Didona Anca Ungureanu, Eugen Carasevici
  4. Comparing the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Simvastatin and Rosuvastatin by Measuring IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α Levels Using a Murinic Caecal Ligation And Puncture Induced Sepsis Model
    Mihai Mărginean, Sebastian Trancă, Alina Ardelean-Maghiar (Mărginean), Dan Dîrzu, Adina Huțanu, Oana Platon (Antal), Dan Dobreanu
  5. The dynamics of some oxidative stress markers in 3, 6 and 12-months alcohol abstinent patients: possible relevance for the usage of antioxidants in alcohol withdrawal
    Florin Petrariu, Ovidiu Alexinschi, Roxana Chirita, Vasile Chirita, Alin Ciobica, Manuela Padurariu, Radu Lefter, Romeo Dobrin, Radu Popescu, Emil Anton, Oana Arcan, Daniel Timofte
  6. The relationship between micronutrients and anthropometric measurements in malnourished children
    Lidia Man, Adrian Man, Cristina Oana Mărginean, Ana Maria Pitea, Maria Despina Baghiu
  7. α-HPV positivity analysis in a group of patients with melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers
    Maria Rotaru, Gabriela Iancu, Manuela Mihalache, Gabriela Anton, Silviu Morariu
  8. Abnormalities in soluble CD147 / MMPs / TIMPs axis in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients with and without a history of Acute Anterior Uveitis
    Traian Costin Mitulescu, Liliana Mary Voinea, Denisa Predeteanu, Leontina Mirela Banica, Crina Stavaru, Cristiana Matache
  9. Prognostic value of immunohistochemical expression of ZAP-70 and CD38 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia detected on bone marrow and lymph node biopsies
    Bogdan Fetica, Ana-Maria Fit, Luminița Blaga, Annamaria Fulop, Bogdan Pop, Delia Dima, Andrei Cucuianu, Ljubomir Petrov
  10. Atypical case of B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia presenting with extreme hyperleukocytosis
    Anca Bacârea, Claudia Bănescu, Ioan Macarie, Judit Beáta Köpeczi, Bogdana Dorcioman
  11. Cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood – an update of the method and clinical practice
    Mona Elena Zvanca, Aida Petca, Mihaela Bot