Blood-based biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease: an overview on proteomic and lipidomic approaches
Geanina Andreea Ilinoiu, Raluca Tirintica, Cosmin Lungu, Adriana Mihai
Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains one of the most challenging pathologies since its etiology is not completely known, its progression is slow and there are no disease-changing pharmacological agents available yet. One other important characteristic is that the progression of AD pathology starts long before any symptoms are experienced by patients. This is where the need for early detection biomarkers comes from. Although there are biomarkers that have been intensely studied and are now included in research criteria, most of these biomarkers are either invasive or unaffordable. Blood-based biomarkers could be a viable alternative of accessible and acceptable biomarkers, and have been much studied in the past decade. Among them proteomics and lipidomics seem to be two most promising fields for biomarker development. The paper aims to offer an overview of developments in the field during the past 5 years highlighting the most promising biomarkers.
Keywords: blood biomarkers, Alzheimer’s disease, proteomics, lipidomics
Received: 16.11.2015
Accepted: 20.3.2016
Published: 28.4.2016