RRML - Genetic Polymorphism of DNA repair gene ERCC2/XPD (Arg 156 Arg) (A22541C) and Lung Cancer Risk in Northern Romania

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 20(2)/2012

Genetic Polymorphism of DNA repair gene ERCC2/XPD (Arg 156 Arg) (A22541C) and Lung Cancer Risk in Northern Romania

Andreea Catana, Radu A. Popp, Monica Pop, Mihai D. Porojan, Felicia M. Petrisor, Ioan V. Pop


Latest studies suggest that polymorphic DNA repair encoding genes could interfere with the etiopathogeny and therefore individual susceptibility to develop lung cancer. Because ERCC2/XPD gene is generally involved in carcinogenesis, certain mutant polymorphism might be important risk factors in exposure to carcinogens. The purpose of this case-control study is to evaluate for the first time in the Romanian population, ERCC2/XPD (A22541C) allele frequency among lung cancer patients. 65 patients with lung cancer (histological diagnosis) were randomly included in the study group, while 107 unrelated individuals served as controls. ERCC2/XPD (A22541C) allele genotyping was performed using the RFLP molecular technique (restriction fragment length polymorphism), preceded by PCR amplification and enzyme restriction digestion. The results of the study suggest that ERCC2/XPD Arg 156Arg (A22541C) null allele frequency in lung cancer patients, compared to the control group has no significant difference (p=0,127), although XPD mutant genotypes vary according to tumor histological type. XPD Arg 156Arg, AA null allele seems to be associated with lung adenocarcinoma. Our major finding suggests that AA mutant genotype could to be associated with lung adenocarcinoma in smokers.

Keywords: DNA repair genes,genetic polymorphism,lung adenocarcinoma

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How to cite
Catana A, Popp RA, Pop M, Porojan MD, Petrisor FM, Pop IV. Genetic Polymorphism of DNA repair gene ERCC2/XPD (Arg 156 Arg) (A22541C) and Lung Cancer Risk in Northern Romania. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(2):157-61