RRML - Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent medically attended laboratory confirmed influenza during season 2010-2011 in Romania: a case control study

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 20(2)/2012

Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent medically attended laboratory confirmed influenza during season 2010-2011 in Romania: a case control study

Daniela Pitigoi, Alina Elena Ivanciuc, Gheorghe Necula, Emilia Lupulescu, Viorel Alexandrescu, Camelia Savulescu


We aimed to measure the seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine effectiveness against medically attended, laboratory confirmed influenza in Romania through a test-negative case-control study, part of ECDC-funded I-MOVE project. We included in the study 154 cases and 101 test-negative controls. We identified seven (4.5%) vaccine failures and 13 (12.9%) vaccinated controls. The overall adjusted vaccine effectiveness was 83% (95% confidence interval (CI): 23, 96), and 78.0% (95% CI: -119, 98) in the target group for vaccination. The results suggest a good protection of the 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine against medically-attended laboratory confirmed influenza in Romania, taking into account the several limitations of the study. The participation in the I-MOVE multicentre case-control study allowed conducting the vaccine effectiveness study in Romania

Keywords: Influenza,vaccine effectiveness,case-control

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How to cite
Pitigoi D, Ivanciuc AE, Necula G, Lupulescu E, Alexandrescu V, Savulescu C. Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent medically attended laboratory confirmed influenza during season 2010-2011 in Romania: a case control study. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(2):127-34