RRML - HIV tropism and its implications for antiretroviral therapy

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 19(1)/2011

HIV tropism and its implications for antiretroviral therapy

Carmen L. Chiriac, Marta A. Fodor, Nina I. Şincu


Viral tropism defines the feature of HIV isolates to use a certain CCR5, CXCR4 coreceptor in order to enter CD4 positive, receptor cells. The dynamics of the HIV tropism plays a major role in the pathogenesis of the HIV infection and influences the progression of the disease. HIV tropism correlates with the epidemiology of HIV-1 subtypes and can be modified by the antiretroviral complex therapy. Coreceptor antagonists CCR5 (CXC4) represent a new generation of molecules used in the therapy of HIV infection, in multi-experienced patients as well as in naïve individuals. Maraviroc is the only drug from the class of coreceptor antagonists approved for the treatment of CCR5 tropic HIV-1 infected patients. In order to determine the susceptibility of an HIV-1 population to CCR5 antagonists, viral tropism testing is indispensable. Several phenotype and genotype tests were developed to identify the tropism of the HIV-1 isolates. The clinically approved method is Trofile, certified according to the specifications of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).

Keywords: CCR5,CXCR4 coreceptors,HIV-1 tropism,coreceptor antagonists

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How to cite
Chiriac CL, Fodor MA, Şincu NI. HIV tropism and its implications for antiretroviral therapy. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2011;19(1):7-15