Acute myeloid leukemia treatment – between therapeutic benefit and iatrogenic pathology – case report
Anca Bacârea, Bogdana Dorcioman, Minodora Dobreanu, Galafteon Oltean, Smaranda Demian, Anamaria Rusu, Maria T. Dogaru, Camil Eugen Vari
Abstract: The treatment of acute myeloid leukemia specific includes antracyclinic compounds and cytrabine; the limitation factor of clinical efficacy is dose-related drug toxicity. Beside cytotoxic specific adverse reactions, the claimed medication presents a target cardiac toxicity. This paper presents a clinical case, the relationship between medication and iatrogenic risks and also patient prognosis.
Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia,treatment,prognostic
Bacârea A, Dorcioman B, Dobreanu M, Oltean G, Demian S, Rusu A, et al. Acute myeloid leukemia treatment – between therapeutic benefit and iatrogenic pathology – case report. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;10(1):33-8