RRML - Comparative evaluation of two techniques for HIV-1 viral load: COBAS TaqMan and COBAS Amplicor, v 1.5

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 6(1)/2007

Comparative evaluation of two techniques for HIV-1 viral load: COBAS TaqMan and COBAS Amplicor, v 1.5

Magdalena Dinu, Simona Paraschiv, Mihaela Tinischi, Dan Oţelea


Introduction: Several parameters based on viral/immunological markers are used for monitoring the HIV-1 infection; one category of such markers measure the HIV RNA quantity. These tests are used to monitor the viral load in naïve patients and in those under antiretroviral treatment. When correlated with genotyping test results, they provide to clinicians important information concerning the evolution of the infection and instrument therapeutic optimization. There are various methods of measuring the HIV viral load; the most largely used are based on PCR, both end-point and, more recently, real-time. Objectives/Methods: In this study we evaluate the performance of a real-time PCR technique (Cobas TaqMan) as compared with an end-point PCR technique (COBAS Amplicor v 1.5). The comparison was performed by using 2 panels of HIV-1 subtype F patients plasma; the first panel had viral load values (measured with COBAS Amplicor) between 1.6 log and 5.8 log and the second panel had values below the detection limit with the same technique. The parameters we examined were specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the quantitative determinations. The statistical tests used were Spearman’s rank correlation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and Student’s test. Results: A good correlation between the values generated with the two techniques was observed. The real-time PCR technique displayed improved sensitivity. Conclusion: The real-time PCR technique confers significant advantages: significantly widened linearity interval, no PCR product post-processing, rapidity.

Keywords: end-point PCR,real-time PCR,HIV-1 viral load

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How to cite
Dinu M, Paraschiv S, Tinischi M, Oţelea D. Comparative evaluation of two techniques for HIV-1 viral load: COBAS TaqMan and COBAS Amplicor, v 1.5. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;6(1):7-14