RRML - Urinalysis and urinary sediment - from arbitrary to standard

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Nr. 1(1)/2005

Urinalysis and urinary sediment - from arbitrary to standard

V. Dumitraşcu, Daniela Grecu, S. Gîju, Corina Flangea, V. Daliborca


Introduction The standardisation of urinary sediment appears as a necessity under the condition of increasing the laboratories number, because there is necessary a coordination between the laboratories regarding the number of parameters which the urinalysis includes and the way of expressing them. The aim of the study: The ideea of urinalyse standardisation started from the high number of nonconcordances which I noticed comparing the results emitted by more laboratories from Timişoara. Discutions and proposals We focused on the main nonconcordances and errors which appear while testing. 1. Preanalytical errors (known ) 2. Examiner’s errors 3. Errors connected to the methods used. Recomandations and conclusions As a conclusion, we propose that both the way of expressing and the way of emitting the report used in County Hospital Timişoara – Urinalysis Department.

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How to cite
Dumitraşcu V, Grecu D, Gîju S, Flangea C, Daliborca V. Urinalysis and urinary sediment - from arbitrary to standard. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2005;1(1):9-19