RRML - Severe adverse reactions to blood transfusion in patients: a survey of cases reported between 2006 and 2009

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 18(4)/2010

Severe adverse reactions to blood transfusion in patients: a survey of cases reported between 2006 and 2009

Dana Paula Florea


Adverse reactions to blood transfusion are an important part of blood component therapy and their management is necessary in order to ensure transfusion security. Haemovigilance schemes have been developed in Romania since 2006. Materials and methods. 31 severe adverse transfusion reactions were examined in patients with blood component therapy in 19 clinics between 2006 and 2009. Transfusion accident report forms as well as the patients’ pre- and post-transfusion blood samples were analyzed. Immunohematological, bacteriological and biochemical tests based upon an algorithm established according to the type of the suspected reaction were carried out. Results and discussions. Each patient was administrated an average of 3.5 blood components and the global incidence of adverse reactions was of 1 to 4473. Upon evaluating the distribution of reactions according to the type of component, it followed that 64% of them were due to erythrocyte components. Regarding the type of reaction, 93.5% were immune reactions while, as far as severity was concerned, 71% were minor reactions. No deaths were reported. Conclusions. Hospital physicians should be aware of the importance of haemovigilance schemes in order to be able to promptly recognize adverse reactions, adequately manage them, avoid them when possible and report them. The best method of transfusion risk management is based upon the quality system consolidation at all stages of the transfusion process.

Keywords: adverse reactions to transfusion,haemovigilance,imputability,transfusion security.

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How to cite
Florea DP. Severe adverse reactions to blood transfusion in patients: a survey of cases reported between 2006 and 2009. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(4):79-83