RRML - Increased glycemic variability in type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin - a real-life clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) study

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Nr. 26(3)/2018 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2018-0010

Research article

Increased glycemic variability in type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin - a real-life clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) study

Cristian-Ioan Crăciun, Anca-Elena Crăciun, Adriana Rusu, Corina Ioana Bocşan, Nicolae Hâncu, Anca Dana Buzoianu

Correspondence should be addressed to: Anca-Elena Crăciun


Chronic hyperglycemia is an important cause for the development of chronic complications of diabetes, but glycemic variability has emerged in recent years as an independent contributor to diabetes-related complications. Our objective was to evaluate glycemic variability in patients with T2DM treated with insulin compared with other antidiabetic drugs. In this retrospective study, we collected 24-hour continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) recording data from 95 patients with T2DM, of which 27 treated with insulin and 68 with non-insulin treatment. We calculated and compared 16 glucose variability parameters in the insulin-treated and non-insulin treated groups. Insulin treated patients had significantly higher values of parameters describing the amplitude of glucose value fluctuations (standard deviation of glucose values, percentage coefficient of variation [%CV], and mean amplitude of glycemic excursion [MAGE], p <0.05) and time-dependent glucose variability (percentage of time with glycemic values below 70 mg/dl and continuous overall net glycemic action [CONGA] at 2, 4 and 6 hours, p <0.05). In conclusion, insulin therapy in T2DM is correlated with significantly higher glycemic variability.

Keywords: glycemic variability, insulin therapy, type 2 diabetes, continuous glucose monitoring

Received: 28.12.2017
Accepted: 15.2.2018
Published: 10.3.2018

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How to cite
Crăciun CI, Crăciun AE, Rusu A, Bocşan CI, Hâncu N, Buzoianu AD. Increased glycemic variability in type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin - a real-life clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) study. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2018;26(3):345-52. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2018-0010