RRML - Does the serum IL-17 titer influence the efficacy of interferon-β treatment in multiple sclerosis patients?

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Nr. 19(4)/2011

Does the serum IL-17 titer influence the efficacy of interferon-β treatment in multiple sclerosis patients?

Rodica Bălaşa, Adina Huţanu, Z. Bajko, Camelia Feier, I. Pascu


Background. The IL-17 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Interferon-β (IFN-β) is the major immunomodulatory treatment for relapsing remitting MS (RRMS). Up to two thirds of patients respond to treatment. Criteria to classify patients into responders and non-responders to IFN-β therapy are usually applied after 1 or 2 years follow-up. Objective. To detect the level of serum IL-17A in MS patients treated with IFN-β and find if it plays a role in MS patients’ response to IFN-β. Material and methods. 150 patients with MS (mean age: 41.8±9.2; mean EDSS: 2.8±1.87; 71.3% RRMS, 28.7% SPMS), who had at least 18 months of IFN-β treatment, underwent a serological IL-17A test. IL-17A was tested using ELISA-indirect method, values over 1.6pg were pathological. Patients had at least 30 days without steroids. For each patient, the following were recorded: epidemiological, clinical and treatment features (early vs. late treatment, responder vs. nonresponder, duration of treatment). Mann-Whitney test and Spearmann correlation was used, p values of ≤0.05 were significant. Results. 27 patients (18%) had titers of IL-17 above 1.6pg/ml, mean 3.38 (±13.5). We found correlations between the IL-17A titer and both number of MS relapses (p<0.05) and EDSS (p=0.05). In nonresponders the titer of IL-17 was significantly higher (p=0.03). None of the other parameters correlated. Conclusions. High serum IL-17 concentration in MS treated patients plays a role in nonresponsiveness to IFN-β therapy. Serum IL-17 might be a sensitive biomarker to be used but it must be correlated with other markers for disease activity or response to treatment.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis,interleukine 17,interferon beta

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How to cite
Bălaşa R, Huţanu A, Bajko Z, Feier C, Pascu I. Does the serum IL-17 titer influence the efficacy of interferon-β treatment in multiple sclerosis patients?. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2011;19(4):381-9