RRML - Serological and somatometrical parameters to a Târgu Mureş obese children group

ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 2(1)/2006

Serological and somatometrical parameters to a Târgu Mureş obese children group

Monica Tarcea, Simona Drăgoi, Klara Jeszensky, Iulia Dunca, Felicia Toma


We have studied the role of leptine and body mass index in prophylactic routine examination of children. Serum leptine is regulated by various environmental factors, hormone levels and obesity. We monitored the serum levels of leptine in two groups of children (one group with obese children and the other one with normal weight children) at the 2nd Pediatrics Clinic, Târgu Mureş, between 1999-2004. Comparing the obtained results we observed a statistically significant difference between the two groups (p=0,0001, χ2=8,0), the serum levels of leptine in children with obesity were more frequently higher than normal required standards (80% comparing to 10%) than normal weight children, which sustains the hypothesis that there is a link between obesity and high levels of serum leptine. Also, all the obese children had body mass index higher than normal, the bigger values were associated with the biggest levels of leptine, cholesterol and trygliceride.

Keywords: obesity,leptine,children

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How to cite
Tarcea M, Drăgoi S, Jeszensky K, Dunca I, Toma F. Serological and somatometrical parameters to a Târgu Mureş obese children group. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;2(1):71-7