RRML - Course notes: Urinary Proteins

ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 12(3)/2008

Course notes: Urinary Proteins

Ileana Funduc


Urinary proteins measurements have basically been used for the diagnosis and monitoring of nephrourological diseases. The pattern of urinary protein excretion can be used to identify the cause of the disease and to classify proteinuria. Urine proteins testing usually involves a screening test to detect excess protein (dipstick, colorimetric or turbidimetric methods) at the beginning, a qualitative determination (electrophoresis with all its variants including immunofixation) and finally a quantitative evaluation (immunoassay). An especially important issue is the study of Bence Jones proteins - free monoclonal light chains – which are a significant marker of the malignant monoclonal gammopathy.

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How to cite
Funduc I. Course notes: Urinary Proteins. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;12(3):63-8