Urinary atipical cells – cytoprevention elements
S. Gîju, Corina Flangea, V. Dumitraşcu, Daniela Grecu, Ligia Petrica, Daliborca Vlad
Abstract: If atypical cells are observed in the urinary sediment from spontaneous urine, it is necessary to know the conditions of their appearance, as well as their origin and significance. The aim of the study was to emphasize in the urinary sediment the atypical cells, as well as the presence of other cells, which indicate various inflammatory diseases (renal or non renal). We analyzed 62 patients admitted in the hospital, most of them in different clinics of the County Emergency Hospital No.1 Timisoara. Due to the rarity of the cases, the study lasted almost two years. To avoid any possible confusions, we used the parallelism of microscopic techniques and when necessary, the stained and unstained samples. To give emphasis the atypical cells between the slide and cover slip (stained and unstained), as well as in the smears, is a cytoprevention element, because a simple suspicion of the presence of atypical cells determine us to recommend a complex pathology examination. Conclusions. Because we are a first contact laboratory, this we can warn the patient and recommend a pathological examination. The techniques proposed by us are not expansive and they don’t last long. An experimented microscopist is required.
Keywords: atypical cells,cytoprevention elements,Sternheimer-Malbin stain.
Gîju S, Flangea C, Dumitraşcu V, Grecu D, Petrica L, Vlad D. Urinary atipical cells – cytoprevention elements. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;4(3):49-55