RRML - Writing a scientific paper – a practical approach

ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Impact Factor 0.5
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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 6(1)/2007

Writing a scientific paper – a practical approach

Liviu S. Enache


Many scientific papers are hard to understand due to their poor writing. Verbose style, unmethodical presentation of ideas, excess or lack of details in an article can make a good idea be lost for the scientific community. This review is a practical guide for writing a research paper. It presents briefly the scientific format and the structure of a paper, guidelines for making efficient tables and figures and a few elements on style. Folowing simple guidelines can greatly improve the quality of scientific papers sent for publication.

Keywords: scientific paper,practical approach,format,structure,style

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How to cite
Enache LS. Writing a scientific paper – a practical approach. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;6(1):51-61