RRML - FasL is expressed in human breast cancer endothelia. Who benefits?

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Nr. 20(1)/2012

FasL is expressed in human breast cancer endothelia. Who benefits?

Corina M. Cianga, Irina D. Florea, Petru Cianga


Background: Fas ligand (FasL) expression is one of the mechanisms responsible for the “immune privi-lege” of tissues such as testis and eye. Many solid tumors express FasL as an immune escape strategy, aiming to induce apoptosis in Fas-expressing leukocytes, and thus to prevent the accumulation of effector cells. Materials and Methods: We investigated by immunohistochemistry the FasL expression in human breast carcinomas vasculature (blood vessels versus lymphatics), endothelial activation status and markers associated with tumor aggressiveness. Results: We bring evidence of a heterogeneous FasL expression in the human breast carcinomas associated blood vessels, but not lymphatics. The endothelial FasL expression was significantly correlated with the tumor FasL expression, tumor size, the presence of rich vascular networks, and axillary lymph nodes metastases; however, it was not correlated with low tumor invading leukocytes density. Conclusion: Breast carcinomas are among tumors in which the tumor-host interaction is correlated with the clinical outcome, hence understanding the significance of endothelial FasL expression is of outmost importance.

Keywords: FasL,breast carcinoma,endothelium,immune privilege,tolerance

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How to cite
Cianga CM, Florea ID, Cianga P. FasL is expressed in human breast cancer endothelia. Who benefits?. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(1):45-56