RRML - Oxyphilic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary with a minor clear cell component- case report with emphasis on the morphological diversity and histogenesis
Oxyphilic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary with a minor clear cell component- case report with emphasis on the morphological diversity and histogenesis
This paper presents a case of oxyphilic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary in an old patient. Because of its histology and the association with peculiar patterns as hemosiderinic pigment, psammoma bodies, pseudo-papillary or follicular-spaces and grooved nuclei, this tumor is responsible for a significant proportion of differential diagnosis in ovarian pathology. Since ovarian clear cell carcinoma has a bad prognosis and is usually more resistant to systemic chemotherapy than other types, recognition of this entity from other primaries and metastatic oxyphilic cell tumors in the ovary is mandatory. The origin in endometriotic cysts or related lesions demonstrated by molecular biology and suggested in this case by the presence of hemorrhage and hemosiderin pigment may explain the good prognosis in early stages of the disease despite the fact that the tumor is poorly differentiated, grade three and always associated with atypia.
Stolnicu S, Preda O, Kinga S, Andrei S, Nicolau R, Nicolae A, et al. Oxyphilic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary with a minor clear cell component- case report with emphasis on the morphological diversity and histogenesis. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(1):57-63