RRML - Interdisciplinary correlations in non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas of the ocular annexes – case reports

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Nr. 14(1)/2009

Interdisciplinary correlations in non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas of the ocular annexes – case reports

Karin Horvath, Gheorghe Muhlfay, Florina Vultur


Ocular annexes lymphomas are malignancies which occur in the conjunctiva, eyelids, lacrimal gland and orbit. Ocular annexes lymphoma is primarily a disease of older adults, with a slight female preponderance. Most lymphomas are low-grade B-cell lymphomas, with marginal zone lymphoma being by far the most common type. Marginal zone lymphoma typically involves the ocular annexes primarily, whereas other types of low-grade B-cell lymphoma often involve the ocular annexes secondarily. High-grade B-cell lymphomas only occasionally involve the ocular annexes, and T-cell lymphoma, NK-cell lymphoma, and Hodgkin lymphoma are only rarely encountered at this site. The aim of the two cases presented in this paper is to discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic problems in non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma with ophthalmologic extension and to underline the importance of para-clinical investigations in early diagnosis of this neoplasm. The clinical features, histopathological findings and differential diagnosis of lymphoproliferative lesions of the ocular annexes are discussed.

Keywords: non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL),ocular annexes,conjunctivitis

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How to cite
Horvath K, Muhlfay G, Vultur F. Interdisciplinary correlations in non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas of the ocular annexes – case reports. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2009;14(1):49-54