RRML - The Diagnostic Value of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1, Compared with Procalcitonin, C-reactive Protein, and Lactate in Bacteremia Estimation for Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

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Nr. 28(4)/2020 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2020-0036

Research article

The Diagnostic Value of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1, Compared with Procalcitonin, C-reactive Protein, and Lactate in Bacteremia Estimation for Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

İlker Ödemiş, Şükran Köse, Süheyla Serin Senger, İlkay Akbulut, Didem Çelik

Correspondence should be addressed to: İlker Ödemiş


Bacteremia in the febrile neutropenic patients significantly increases the mortality. It takes a long time to complete the blood culture for the diagnosis of bacteremia. Therefore, quick and specific markers are needed for the prediction of bacteremia. The purpose of this study are to compare the diagnostic value of lactate, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels in a patient with febrile neutropenia, and to evaluate its usefulness in predicting bacteremia. This study was designed to be prospective case-control study. Forty-eight patients and forty control cases aged 18 years or older who were monitored between May 2016 and May 2017 were included in the study. P-value as <0.05 was accepted to be significant. Significantly increased values were determined by the level of inflammatory markers of patients compared to the control group. The highest diagnostic odds ratio were found to be in MCP-1. For patients with febrile neutropenia, CRP (83.3%), and MCP-1 (81.2%) were the most sensitive markers while lactate (85.0%), MCP-1 (75%), and procalcitonin (75%) were the most specific markers. CRP was the only beneficial biomarker in the estimation of bacteremia. No significant results were observed for any biomarker for the prediction of the gram positive/negative discrimination of bacteria in the blood culture. We believe that CRP, MCP-1, and lactate levels can be taken into consideration for diagnosis, and CRP can be beneficial in the estimation of bacteremia.

Keywords: biomarkers, procalcitonin, bacteremia, Febrile neutropenia, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1

Received: 28.6.2020
Accepted: 12.10.2020
Published: 26.10.2020

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How to cite
Ödemiş İ, Köse Ş, Senger SS, Akbulut İ, Çelik D. The Diagnostic Value of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1, Compared with Procalcitonin, C-reactive Protein, and Lactate in Bacteremia Estimation for Patients with Febrile Neutropenia. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2020;28(4):419-26. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2020-0036