RRML - Changes in the erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton in microcytic hemolytic anemia – case report

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Nr. 18(3)/2010

Changes in the erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton in microcytic hemolytic anemia – case report

Horea Matei, Adrian Florea, Adina Chiş, Gheorghe Popa, Mariana Tilinca


A case of microcytic anemia from the Cluj-Napoca Pediatric Hospital is presented. Light and scanning electron microscopy data indicate poikilocytosis (with a high ratio of spherocytes – but irregular-shaped cells are also present), and anisocytosis (with a high number of microcytes, many cells having diameters under 4 µm). The protein composition of the erythrocyte membranes was analysed using SDS-PAGE and the percentages of proteins in the various bands were analysed by videodensitometry. A spectrin/band 3 subunitary ratio was observed, suggesting a quantitative deficit of spectrin. The ankyrin/band 3 ratio was also reduced, under the limit of 0.2, indicating defects at the ankyrin level as well. The results of our study proved that defects in both spectrin and ankyrin from the erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton are the main cause of microcytic anemia in this case.

Keywords: erythrocyte,spectrin,ankyrin,microcytic anemia,SDS-PAGE

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How to cite
Matei H, Florea A, Chiş A, Popa G, Tilinca M. Changes in the erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton in microcytic hemolytic anemia – case report. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(3):31-7