RRML - Gene polymorfism of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 18(2)/2010

Gene polymorfism of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation

Adela Sitar-Tăut, Dana Pop, Dumitru Zdrenghea, Lucia Maria Procopciuc, Radu Roşu, Adela Popa


The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and AT1 receptor genetic polymorphism influence the plasma ACE and angiotensin II (AII) levels, with the highest levels being registered in the DD associated with CC form. Objectives: To investigate the genetic polymorphism of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with heart failure and persistent atrial fibrillation. Methods: We studied 72 NYHA II, III and IV class heart failure patients, 43 males and 29 females, aged 67.87±11.96 years, of which 63.9% presented persistent atrial fibrillation. The distribution of ACE gene insertion, deletion (ID) and AT1 receptors A1166C gene polymorphism were determined. Analyses of ACE and AT1 receptors genotypes were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The distribution of genetic ACE polymorphism was: DD-47.2% (34p); ID–29.2% (21p); II –23.6% (17p). The identified AT1 receptors genotypes were as follows: AA –51.4% (37p); AC- 36.1% (26p), CC– 12.5% (9p). Among the 63.88% (46p) of the patients with permanent atrial fibrillation, the distribution of genetic polymorphism was as follows: DD- 45.7% (21p), ID –26.1% (12p); II –28.3% (13p), AA- 65.2% (30p), AC-23.9% (11p), CC-10.9% (5p). The two types of genetic polymorphism were associated in 45.65% (21p) of the patients with atrial fibrillation: DD + AA – 57.14% (12p); DD + AC –28.57% (6p); DD + CC –14.28% (3p). Conclusion: Associated ACE and AT1 genetic polymorphism was registered in approximately half of the heart failure patients with permanent atrial fibrillation suggesting that high levels of ACE, respectively AII can contribute to the development of atrial fibrillation.

Keywords: heart failure,atrial fibrillation,genetic polymorphism,renin angiotensin aldosterone system.

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How to cite
Sitar-Tăut A, Pop D, Zdrenghea D, Procopciuc LM, Roşu R, Popa A. Gene polymorfism of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(2):35-42