RRML - Correlations regarding complications and survival in multiple myeloma

ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

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Nr. 10(1)/2008

Correlations regarding complications and survival in multiple myeloma

Ana-Maria Boţianu, Galafteon Oltean, Ioan Macarie, Smaranda Demian, Anca Bacârea, Vladimir Bacârea


Multiple myeloma is still an incurable disease with different clinical presentations due to the large variety of complications. We studied 116 patients diagnosed and treated for multiple myeloma in Medical Clinic No. 1 of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Mureş. Data was analysed using the following tests: Spearson and the unpaired t test, Kaplan-Meyer survival curve and logrank test. We obtained the following results: 1. Mean survival was 55 months. 2. Poor prognostic factors regarding the survival rate are: a.-renal impairment at the moment of diagnosis (mean survival: 15 months) which was associated with other poor prognosis factors of the disease (p = 0.0004); b. pulmonary infections at the moment of diagnosis (medium survival: 12 months, p = 0.0166); c. hyperviscosity syndrome (a rare complication with a high risk of early death); 3. Bone determinations are dominated by osteolitic lesions and fracture is now a preventable complication (medium time for appearing - 56 month). Biphosphonates prolong medium time of fracture appearence by 2,5 times 4. The most frequent complication was anemia. 5. Other infections than the pulmonary ones were not associated with poor survival rates (p = 0.8324). The most frequent infections were pulmonary and renal (aproximately equal) and were mostly caused by agents like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. 6. In most cases, hemostasis disturbances were not severe, the only serious ones encountered being: a case of cerebellary hematoma , upper digestive haemorrhage and hemoptysis.

Keywords: multiple myeloma,survival,complications,biphosphonates

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How to cite
Boţianu AM, Oltean G, Macarie I, Demian S, Bacârea A, Bacârea V. Correlations regarding complications and survival in multiple myeloma. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;10(1):25-32