Quantitative Evaluation of Frequent Food Additives
Anna-Maria Farr, Monica Tarcea, Antonia Orban, Simona Drăgoi, Z. Harko
Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the most frequently used food additives concentration levels in Mures county (2004-2005) from different food products. Methods: We tested three different types of food additives: nitrites in meat products, preservatives and food colours in soft drinks. We used Griess method for determining nitrites and HPLC method for preservatives and colours. Results: Nitrites levels were adequate to romanian standards, but in beverages we detected high levels of preservatives like sodium bensoate and potassium sorbate, and food colours tartrasine and sunset yellow, we also found inadequate labelling for food colours in beverages. Conclusion: On romanian market there are fseveral food products with food additives in concentrations higher than admitted standards that must be monitored more rigurously in order to prevent illnesses possibly transmitted to consumers.
Keywords: food additives,food colours,preservatives,nitrites,beverages
Farr AM, Tarcea M, Orban A, Drăgoi S, Harko Z. Quantitative Evaluation of Frequent Food Additives . Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;5(4):22-8