RRML - The effects of microwave radiation generated by mobile phones on the tear film

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Nr. 29(3)/2021 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2021-0019

Research article

The effects of microwave radiation generated by mobile phones on the tear film

Aurora Gajta, Alexandra Maria Jurca, Adriana Stănilă, Dan Stănilă

Correspondence should be addressed to: Alexandra Maria Jurca


Electromagnetic radiation (ER) emitted by mobile phones and other modern devices has potentially harmful effects on ocular tissue. Their effects on the eye surface and tear film are little known so far. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effects of ER emitted by the phone mobile on the tear film. For this study, we selected a total of 50 subjects, young, healthy, without chronic treatment, who are not contact lens wearers and who have no history of ophthalmic surgery. Schirmer I test, tear pH and tear ferning test (TFT) were performed on all subjects before (“-pre”) being exposed to ER emitted by the mobile phone and after (“-post”) exposure for 5 minutes, the pH and TFT of the tears were performed. Following the analysis of the obtained results, we found that there are significant changes in tear quality and increased tear pH, which over time can lead to tear film instability, damage to the eye surface and the appearance of dry eye syndrome.

Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, ocular surface, dry eye disease, tear filmt

Received: 10.3.2021
Accepted: 4.6.2021
Published: 29.6.2021

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How to cite
Gajta A, Jurca AM, Stănilă A, Stănilă D. The effects of microwave radiation generated by mobile phones on the tear film. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2021;29(3):277-86. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2021-0019