Prevalence of metabolic syndrome parameters in a Romanian population of young adults
Maria Nitescu, Florentina L. Furtunescu, Marina Otelea, Alexandru Rafila, Adrian Streinu-Cercel
Abstract: Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its components among a Romanian population of young adults. Methods: During 2010-2011, 235 medical students were enrolled in this cross sectional study to investigate the metabolic syndrome prevalence. The metabolic syndrome was defined based on the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Data were processed using SPSS version 17. T-student test, Chi square test and Pearson coefficient were used for statistical analysis. Results: The metabolic syndrome prevalence recorded on the entire group was 1.28%. The highest prevalence for a metabolic syndrome component was abnormal waist circumference (49.4%), followed by low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) (13.58%); the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was 3.08%. The average value of HDLc was significantly lower in the subgroup with abnormal waist circumference compared to the subgroup with a normal one both in women and in men. In women, the average BMI was also significantly higher in the subgroup with waist circumference above the threshold limit. In terms of gender analysis, women presented a significantly higher prevalence of abnormal waist abdominal circumference. (63.6% versus 15.7%). Conclusions: Although the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was not high (1.28%), the high prevalence (49.4%) of the mandatory diagnosis criteria (WC over a threshold value) allowed us to conclude that primary prevention interventions for metabolic syndrome are needed within the population group represented by young adults.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome,waist circumference,high density lipoprotein cholesterol
Nitescu M, Furtunescu FL, Otelea M, Rafila A, Streinu-Cercel
A. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome parameters in a Romanian population of young adults. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(3):207-14