RRML - Tuberculosis management and lab diagnostic in romanian hospitals

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 8(3)/2007

Tuberculosis management and lab diagnostic in romanian hospitals

Elemer Wusinczky, Monica Tarcea, Felicia Toma, Mihaela Patraulea


Aim: Our objectives were to made the national demographic profile for pacients with tuberculosis, to analyse laboratory tests for diagnostic, number of cases checked in by hospitals and counties and also ways of keeping up the National Control Programme for Tuberculosis recommendations. Methods: In our study we used data from national insurances houses regarding patients checked in with tuberculosis. We analysed by statistical means a sample of 100,000 from checked out cases during 2005. Results: Less than 1% of all hospitalised patients in 2005 were with tuberculosis. 85% of cases are checking in at their residency hospitals. Three quarters of cases are hospitalised in specialised cliniques. Half of tuberculosis cases had between 40 to 60 years of age and three quarters were man. Pulmonary form of tuberculosis represented 95% of all tuberculosis cases. Laboratory diagnostic is made by radiological (more thn 10% of all proceedings made by case) and also usually lab tests (like microscopically exam of saliva, bacteriological and histological tests). Almost 90% of patient were checked aut in better health. Average hospitalisation period was 39 days. Conclusions: We have good preventive methods and also precise diagnostic methods for tuberculosis, thats why we can say by all means that, regarding our experience and others, tuberculosis is a disease to be under control if we can resolv social and economical factors involved and maintain an efficient hospital management.

Keywords: tuberculosis,management,laboratory,prevention

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How to cite
Wusinczky E, Tarcea M, Toma F, Patraulea M. Tuberculosis management and lab diagnostic in romanian hospitals. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;8(3):20-5