RRML - Precipitating factors of thrombotic events in patients with hereditary thrombophilia

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Nr. 6(1)/2007

Precipitating factors of thrombotic events in patients with hereditary thrombophilia

Rodica Mioara Păcurar, Diana Lungeanu, Elena Doina Nicola, Cristina Gheorghiu, Hortensia Ioniţă


Genetic mutations in hereditary thrombophilia are permanent prothrombotic risk factors in affected patients. This study presents the role of precipitating, circumstantial factors in triggering thrombotic events in patients with hereditary thrombophilia. Eighty-seven patients with at least one hereditary abnormality were entered (protein S, protein C and/or antithrombin deficiency, activated protein C resistance, high activity of factor VIII and hyperhomocysteinemia). Until the moment of  enrolment, these patients had presented 164 thrombotic events, 83 (50.61%) associated with circumstantial triggers: prolonged ortostatism, thrauma, surgery, oral contraceptives, bed immobilisation over 14 days, train travel over eight hours, birth. Type and age of the first thrombotic event, presence or absence of implied trigger factors and type of thrombophilic hereditary risk factors were analysed. Conclusions: 1. irrespective of the type of anomaly, thrombotic events in patients with hereditary thrombophilia may be spontaneous or triggered by circumstantial factors to an equal degree; 2. the presence of circumstantial factors may trigger the first thrombotic event earlier during patient’s lifetime; 3. proper counselling of the thrombophilic patients in order to avoid circumstantial risk factors may prevent a thrombotic event.

Keywords: thrombophilia,circumstantial factors,counselling.

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How to cite
Păcurar RM, Lungeanu D, Nicola ED, Gheorghiu C, Ioniţă H. Precipitating factors of thrombotic events in patients with hereditary thrombophilia. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;6(1):25-33