RRML - Towards appropriate training for Moroccan laboratory professionals: Identifying QMS needs

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 32(4)/2024 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0032

Original professional paper

Towards appropriate training for Moroccan laboratory professionals: Identifying QMS needs

Mohammed El Feniche, Hassane Gazzaz, Hajar El Omari, Karima El-Mouhdi, Mounir Arai, Yassine El Aatik, Abdelghani El Ouardi, Anass Kharrazi, Ahmed Chbihi Kaddouri, El Arbi Bouaiti

Correspondence should be addressed to: Mohammed El Feniche


Background: Professional development plays a key role in improving laboratory quality management by enhancing staff skills and knowledge to implement and maintain the quality management system (QMS). This research aims to identify and prioritize continuing training needs for Moroccan laboratory professionals in QMS and to formulate recommendations for suitable training programs. Methods: The present research is a cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted among a larger group of laboratory professionals from September 2021 to May 2023. The data collection tool was a self-administered questionnaire. Statistical data analysis was performed by IBM SPSS version 22.0 software calculating Chi-square. Results: A total of 478 people participated in the study. Participants’ training needs on various topics related to quality in medical laboratories ranged from 68.20% to 84.52%, covering several subjects such as quality tools (82.01%), continuous improvement (83.68%), ISO 9001 (83.26%), and ISO 15189 (79.71%). Conclusions: The results indicate a favorable trend toward continuing training in QMS. These suggestions should be considered when formulating future training programs to foster strong commitment and continuous improvement of skills, thereby improving the quality of healthcare provision and guaranteeing patient safety.

Keywords: continuing education, continuing professional development, ISO 15189, ISO 9001, medical laboratory, Morocco, quality management system

Received: 21.9.2024
Accepted: 9.10.2024
Published: 31.10.2024

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How to cite
El Feniche M, Gazzaz H, El Omari H, El-Mouhdi K, Arai M, El Aatik Y, et al. Towards appropriate training for Moroccan laboratory professionals: Identifying QMS needs. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2024;32(4):297-303. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2024-0032