Communication, Information and Education of Young People Regarding Tuberculosis
Monica Sabău, Monica Tarcea, Edith Fekete, V. Bacârea, Cristina Golea, Mihaela Patraulea
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of young people, 145 pupils from elementary and high school and 100 medical students in the first year of training, regarding tuberculosis. Methodology: The study was performed using a quasi experimental design based on a self-completed questionnaire before and after the educational message. Results: We have noticed an unsatisfactory level of initial knowledge and significantly increase of correct answers after message (p<0.0001), the difference beetwen mean marks being 2.22 (2.08 – IC95% - 2.41). Conclusions: We emphasize that a constant educational programme in the field can contribute to the decrease of tuberculosis incidence.
Keywords: tuberculosis,educational message
Sabău M, Tarcea M, Fekete E, Bacârea V, Golea C, Patraulea M. Communication, Information and Education of Young People Regarding Tuberculosis. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;5(4):16-21