RRML - Possible predictors of hereditary thrombophilia in a group of patients with thrombosis of undetermined cause

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Nr. 18(3)/2010

Possible predictors of hereditary thrombophilia in a group of patients with thrombosis of undetermined cause

Mihai Ioniţă, Rodica M Păcurar, Diana Lungeanu, Doina E Nicola, Ioana Ioniţă, Hortensia Ioniţă


Background: There are certain clinical circumstances in which laboratory thrombophilia screening is recommended. Aim: To determine the value of generally accepted clinical criteria in predicting hereditary thrombophilia (HT). Methods: 180 patients with thromboembolism (TE) of undetermined cause were tested for HT: protein S, protein C, and antithrombin deficiency, activated protein C resistance, elevated factor VIII level and hyperhomocysteinemia were assessed. Positive family history of TE, first thrombotic event at young age (under 45), TE at unusual sites and spontaneous TE were analyzed as predictive factors for positive HT test results. The characteristics that reached at least 0.1 as a level of significance were included in a logistic regression model. Results: 94 patients with at least one thrombophilic defect were found. A positive family history of TE had a statistically significant positive influence on the risk of HT (p=0.027; OR=0.053, 95% CI 0.989 – 3.492). First thrombotic event under 45 and spontaneous TE had a statistically significant negative influence on the risk of HT (p=0.008; OR=0.016, 95% CI 0.119 – 0.840 and p=0.001; OR=0.004, 95% CI 0.231 – 0.765, respectively). Conclusions: A positive family history of thromboembolism could be a predictor for hereditary thrombophilia in patients with thromboembolism. Independent criteria like young age, unusual site of thrombosis or spontaneous thrombotic events are not reliable tools to identify this pathology and they should be considered in connection to each other.

Keywords: hereditary thrombophilia,predictive factors,thromboembolism

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How to cite
Ioniţă M, Păcurar RM, Lungeanu D, Nicola DE, Ioniţă I, Ioniţă H. Possible predictors of hereditary thrombophilia in a group of patients with thrombosis of undetermined cause. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(3):15-22