RRML - Post cardiac transplantation survival and its correlations with the emerging complications

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 11(2)/2008

Post cardiac transplantation survival and its correlations with the emerging complications

O.S. Cotoi, Anca Sin, M. Turcu, V. C., Z. Szabolcs


The success rate of heart transplant (HTx) is influenced by a number of factors starting with compatibility of donor-receiver (cross-match and ABO system), ending with the effects of immunosuppressive therapy and patient compliance. Survival and patients’ quality of life become, finally, the main criteria in evaluating the benefit of a HTx. The aim of the study is to disclose post-transplant cardiac complications and establish correlations between them and survival rate to a batch of 124 patients with HTx, during a period of 16 years. Material and method. Our study monitors patients with HTx from the Cardio-Vascular Surgery and Transplant Clinic, Semmelweis University , Budapest . The studied lot is composed of 124 patients undergoing transplantation during a period of 16 years, when we quantified all arisen complications and their correlations with the survival rate. Statistical data processing was performed with the aid of Kaplan Maier survival curves, using the GraphPrism computer program. Results. In early stages the survival curve shows a survival rate of over 95%, in the middle period a survival rate of over 83%, in the late period a survival rate of over 60%, within 5 years and over 25% in 10 years . The longest survival rate was recorded in the first 2 patients, who entered the17th  year of their postHTx life. Discussions. Interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of transplantation is a condition sine-qua non in patient care. Conclusions. Our study shows a very good short and medium term survival rate and a good long-term survival rate incurages patients from the heart transplant lists. The arising number and type of complications influence patient's quality of life and causes death. ISHLT (The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation) recommends using the new classification of acute cellular rejection in all heart transplant centers to improve reporting and comparing data in metaanalitic studies by this referring to the obligation of monitoring all pathohistologic cases of heart transplant.

Keywords: heart transplant,monitoring,survival.

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How to cite
Cotoi O, Sin A, Turcu M, C. V, Szabolcs Z. Post cardiac transplantation survival and its correlations with the emerging complications. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;11(2):15-20