RRML - CX3CR1 expression and megakaryocytic series assessment on bone marrow biopsies in acquired aplastic anemia. Correlations with hematological parameters

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 23(4)/2015 DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2015-0040

Research article

CX3CR1 expression and megakaryocytic series assessment on bone marrow biopsies in acquired aplastic anemia. Correlations with hematological parameters

Cosmina Ioana Gavrilut (Tomescu), Cosmina Bondor, Bogdan Fetica, Annamaria Fulop, Laura Urian, Ljubomir Petrov


The study objective was to examine the clinical and hematological significance of receptor CX3CR1 and megakaryocytes in patients with aplastic anemia. Method. 40 patients diagnosed with aplastic anemia and 10 case-control were included in the study. Were analyzed bone-marrow biopsies regarding cellularity, the presence of megakaryocytes and immunohistochemical expression of CX3CR1, CD4, CD8, CD45RO. We divided patients according to CX3CR1 intensity and the presence of megakaryocytes in 4 groups, which were analyzed comparatively. We realized the second division of patients in 4 groups, depending on the CX3CR1 intensity and cellularity of bone-marrow biopsy. Results. Statistically significant differences between the case group and the control group were observed in terms of the percentage of CD8, CD45RO positive cells and positivity for CX3CR1. In the lot of patients with aplastic anemia, we found statistically significant differences between groups with megakaryocytes present and absent, in terms of the number of lymphocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, ESR at 1 hour, ESR at 2 hours, bone marrow cellularity. Conclusions. CX3CR1 could be involved in the pathogenesis of aplastic anemia, influencing bone marrow cellularity. Megakaryocytes influence more hematological parameters, so we suggest using thrombopoietin receptor analogues as 1st line treatment along with the immunosuppressive treatment.

Keywords: CX3CR1, megakaryocytes, aplastic anemia

Received: 28.4.2015
Accepted: 24.9.2015
Published: 6.12.2015

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How to cite
Gavrilut (Tomescu) CI, Bondor C, Fetica B, Fulop A, Urian L, Petrov L. CX3CR1 expression and megakaryocytic series assessment on bone marrow biopsies in acquired aplastic anemia. Correlations with hematological parameters. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2015;23(4):483-93. DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2015-0040