RRML - Exploring eponyms in a corpus of medical articles. Origins and meanings

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 27(4)/2019 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2019-0036

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Exploring eponyms in a corpus of medical articles. Origins and meanings

Adrian Năznean

Correspondence should be addressed to: Adrian Năznean


Eponyms are common in many scientific fields; however, the language of health sciences is probably the one which has the highest occurrence of eponyms for various reasons. Eponyms are terms that honour the contribution of the person who discovered or invented something. Concepts become associated with eponyms when enough popular attention is drawn to that particular device, disease, condition, procedure, etc. There are multiple reasons for which the use of medical eponyms should be employed across languages. For one thing, eponyms are frequently translated from one language into another by calque, that is, word-for-word translation, with the aid of which one can avoid a wrong use of a particular term or mistranslate it. Moreover, eponyms also reflect a certain degree of language and historical culture by honouring the remarkable contributions of specialists and scientists. This study investigates a corpus of randomly chosen articles form a Romanian medical journal published in English and included in the Core Collection of Clarivate Analytics. As far as methodology is concerned, manual processing was employed for eponym extraction. The purpose was to identify the occurrences of eponyms and, consequently, to trace their origin and explain their meaning.

Keywords: eponyms, medical language, medical eponyms

Received: 14.9.2019
Accepted: 20.9.2019
Published: 3.10.2019

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How to cite
Năznean A. Exploring eponyms in a corpus of medical articles. Origins and meanings. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2019;27(4):431-40. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2019-0036